
Tools for integration from an art course

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In spring 2023, a group of immigrant women met once a week to learn about the use of colours and painting techniques in an intensive course in oil painting. The six-week course was organised with the support of the Citizens’ Forum.

This oil painting course, organised by the Finpolar Cultural Centre with the support of the Citizens’ Forum, was taught by Huriye Genç. Huriye, who moved to Finland from Turkey four years ago, is a self-taught artist who got the spark for art already as a child with the encouragement of her teacher. She worked as a chemistry teacher in Turkey, but after losing his job, she decided to concentrate on making art. 

Huriye had already organised exhibitions and art courses in Turkey, but the courses organised with the support of the Citizens’ Forum were the first to involve adults.

– I had no experience teaching adults, and I was nervous beforehand. But the results were good, Huriye says.

– Adults are motivated. Immigrant women often feel lonely and long for the opportunity to participate in activities outside the home. The course provides an opportunity to meet others in the same situation and enjoy making art, she continues.

In their feedback, the course participants praised Huriye’s teaching and dedication, and the well-being effects of the course were also highlighted. “We spent nice and productive hours that helped us reduce the stress we experienced trying to get used to a new country, culture and language far from our loved ones and homeland,” says one participant in her feedback.

Course participants and the teacher in a joint photo in front of artworks mounted on the wall.
The works created during the course were compiled into an art exhibition. In the picture, Huriye – third from left – surrounded by the students.

Citizens’ Forum’s support for the training of immigrants

Huriye heard from a friend that Moniheli’s member associations can apply for support for training from the Citizens’ Forum. A friend encouraged her to organise the course because it could help promote the integration of immigrants. Applying for support was easy. Written instructions were available in English, and she also received personal advice from the Citizens’ Forum’s education coordinators.

– Organising the course and familiarising myself with the support process of the Citizens’ Forum also helped me to integrate into Finland, Huriye says.

– For example, it was instructive that I had to describe the methods I used in Finnish, she adds.

The Citizens’ Forum’s support for the training of immigrants can be applied for by the member associations of the Citizens’ Forum’s member organisations. Applications for support will open later this year. In particular, we support arts and cultural education as well as training that strengthens active citizenship, inclusion and communality.
Read more about support for the training of immigrants.

Read more about the support for the training of immigrants.